June 15, 2013

Upasika Renewal Day: Devotion & Ritual: "A Monastic's Life"

Location: Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery

Description: Upasika Renewal Day is the day that upasikas who have made a formal commitment (see details on the Abhayagiri website for more information about the Upasika program) will renew their precepts and commitment for another year. (Note: anyone is welcome to attend the program, not just those who have made the formal Upasika commitment). Devotion & Ritual: "A Monastic's Life": An exploration of various ceremonies and activities specific to the monastics' way of life and how they apply in lay life. Will include topics such as a monk's confession of offenses and the Patimokkha (the fortnightly recitation of the monks' 227 precepts) and how it informs the monks' daily life; and "Korwat": various duties and protocols of the monastery that inform our practices of mindfulness, service, hospitality, and generosity. The ceremony of Asking for Forgiveness will be discussed in relation to the teachings on Forgiveness and Reconciliation. There will be audio-visual aids and demonstration of some of the ways monastics care for their requisites. 10:30 am Precepts, 11:00 am Meal offering, 1:00 - 4:30 pm Teachings and Discussion, 4:30 pm Informal Tea All are welcome.

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