¡Yo Tengo Razón, Tú Estás Equivocado(a)!
Ajahn Amaro

This collection of teachings is offered as an introduction to the breadth and depth of mindfulness and Dhamma practice. It was compiled by Beth Steff and it is dedicated with respect and gratitude, to Luang Por Pasanno on January 4, 2024, to honor the 50th anniversary of his bhikkhu ordination. More than Mindfulness features Dhamma reflections from various teachers who have lived at or visited Abh…
A GUIDE TO STANDING MEDITATION As standing is something that we do, why not do it with full awareness? After all, standing was one of the positions that the Buddha recommended as a proper basis for mindfulness. Wisely cultivated, it takes strain out of the body, encourages balance and inner stability – and is a support for full liberation. In this guide, Ajahn Sucitto adds practical details to the…
Ajahn Sucitto guides readers through the practice of mindfulness of breathing based on the Buddha’s teachings on this theme.
A compendium of the teachings of the Buddha on Nibbāna, as they appear in the Pāli Canon, published by Ajahn Pasanno and Ajahn Amaro during their time as co-abbots of Abhayagiri. Update: May 2022 Many people have appreciated The Island and we would like to let people know about the following resources and translations that have become available since it was first published. Translations Spanish Tr…
Eine Anthologie der Lehren des Buddha über Nibbana (A German translation of The Island : An Anthology of the Buddha’s teachings on Nibbana by Ajahn Pasanno and Ajahn Amaro)
(From the Foreword) “To honour the auspicious occasion of the 80th birthday of Luang Por Liem Ṭhitadhammo (Phra Thepvajiranyan), a faithful group of disciples has arranged to print his biography. Luang Por Liem is a senior Buddhist monk presently ordained for 60 years in the Thai Forest Tradition of the late Ven. Ajahn Chah (or “Luang Pu Chah”) of Wat Nong Pah Pong in Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand. T…
“Buddhadhamma is the crowning achievement of Phra Brahmagunabhorn (P. A. Payutto), widely acknowledged as the most brilliant Thai scholar of Buddhism in living memory. The venerable author’s masterpiece, it is by some distance the most important Buddhist academic work to have been published in Thailand during the twentieth century. Buddhadhamma consists of a rich and comprehensive presentation of…
A collection of four talks given by Ajahn Pasanno in January 2021. This booklet was first offered as a gift commemorating Abhayagiri’s 25th Anniversary and Ajahn Pasanno’s 72nd birthday.
Amaravati Monastery in England has a collection of Spanish Dhamma books and teachings on their website. The link to their website is below. Note : If the link is not active, please click “Read More” to access the page with an active link. https://www.amaravati.org/espanol/ensenanzas-libros-y-publicaciones/