The Stillness of Being

The Stillness of Being

Ajahn Viradhammo

The Stillness of Being

The concept of this book was originally developed by the lay sangha in New Zealand to commemorate Ajahn Vīradhammo’s thirty years as a monk.

Awakening Presence

Awakening Presence

Amaravati Nuns

Awakening Presence

This book from the nuns’ communities of Amaravati and Cittaviveka Buddhist Monasteries features talks from several of their senior nuns.

No Worries

No Worries

Ajahn Liem

No Worries

Buddhist teachings and a short biography of Luang Por Liem Ṭhitadhammo.

Mississippi Pilgrimage

Mississippi Pilgrimage

Ajahn Jotipālo

Mississippi Pilgrimage

The journals of Venerable Jotipālo Bhikkhu and Austin Stewart on a Spiritual Journey up the Mississippi River Valley.

The Last Breath

The Last Breath

Ajahn Pasanno

The Last Breath

This book contains an interview with Luang Por Pasanno recounting his experience as the spiritual adviser to death row inmate Jay Siripong in 1999 as well as some of Jay’s personal notes on his spritual struggles. Vietnamese and Sinhalese translations of this book are available in pdf format.

Samādhi for Liberation

Samādhi for Liberation

Ajahn Anan

Samādhi for Liberation

A Dhamma talk given to the monks and novices of Wat Marp Jan (4 august 1999), Rayong Province, Thailand.

Who Will Feed the Mice?

Who Will Feed the Mice?

Ajahn Amaro

Who Will Feed the Mice?

This small book, dedicated to the memory of his mother, is based on a talk given by Ajahn Amaro on March 29, 2003, at Abhayagiri Monastery, Redwood Valley, California.

วันคืนล่วงไปๆ เรากำลังทำอะไรอยู่

วันคืนล่วงไปๆ เรากำลังทำอะไรอยู่

Ajahn Pasanno

วันคืนล่วงไปๆ เรากำลังทำอะไรอยู่