15 กันยายน 2025
Alms Round in Ukiah and Redwood Valley
Description: Monastics walk for alms in Ukiah and Redwood Valley starting at 9 a.m. A small group of monks enters Ukiah and walks north on State Street from approximately 9:00-10:30 am accepting offerings of alms food as is the daily custom in Theravada Buddhist countries. They can be met in front of the Safeway grocery store (on the sidewalk along State St.) around 9:15 am, or in Alex Thomas Plaza in the city center around 9:30 am. Another group of monks walks north East Road from the Redwood Valley town center starting at 8:40 am. A third group walks along Tomki Road, through the local Frey Vineyards.
Half Moon Observance Day
Description: Chanting begins at 7 pm followed by a period of silent meditation and a Dhamma talk given by a senior monk. Guests may arrive early at 5:30pm for tea time if they hope to have a question and answer session with a monastic.
The puja and Dhamma talk can also be viewed on the Abhayagiri YouTube channel.
Monday Evening at Three Jewels in Fort Bragg
When: 5:30-8:30pm, 15 กันยายน 2025
Description: A senior monk will be available at Three Jewels in Fort Bragg for tea time at 5:30pm in the Dhamma Hall followed by an evening program starting at 7pm. The evening program in the Dhamma Hall will include thirty minutes of meditation, offering of Dhamma reflections and an opportunity for questions and comments.
You are also welcome to sit quietly in meditation in the Dhamma Hall from 4:30pm to 5:30pm.
Three Jewels is located at 31791 Johnson Lane, Fort Bragg, CA 95437.
Note: There is a sutta discussion group at Three Jewels on Tuesdays from 5:45-6:45pm. For more information on the sutta discussion group and other events at Three Jewels, please go to this page on the Abhayagiri website: