21 ธันวาคม 2014

Spirit Rock Daylong - Ajahn Karunadhammo: The Future is Uncertain: Peace in Letting Go

Location: Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Woodacre, CA

Description: We try so hard to control our lives, getting lost in a sense of urgency, trying to meet unrealistic expectations that others create for us and that we create for ourselves, trying to plan for all of the events that may happen in our lives. All of this is an attempt to create security and predictability in a world that is insecure and unpredictable. Let's spend some time on this day considering a different approach to life: Where should we really take refuge? How can I view the world to help see what is really important and lessen the sense of urgency to control everything? How is spiritual urgency (samvega) different from anxiety and the momentum of unconscious stimulus and response patterns? There will be periods of sitting and walking meditation, dhamma reflections, and time for questions and answers. Lunch: Please bring lunch and, if you wish, food to offer the monks. As in the time of the Buddha, the Abhayagiri monks do not grow or buy food and are completely dependent on donations of food. The monastics eat one main meal a day in late morning and monastic regulations require that they finish by midday. Offering food to the monastics during the daylong provides an opportunity to participate in the tradition. You can request a current list of needed items by contacting the monastery at (707) 485-1630.

⇠ กลับไปที่ข่าวธันวาคม 2014